There is nothing more beautiful for two people who want to go through life together from now on, to laugh and dream together, to experience the wonder of tenderness, to see happiness in each other’s eyes, to trust each other, to be there for each other, to love each other with all their hearts. May reconciliation conquer every quarrel, respect never be lost, then marriage will last forever.
Wedding coloring pages are excellent for people who want to get married elegantly or wittily
If two have really like each other, then their wedding is under a good star. Because two hearts, two promises, two rings, love twice, happiness and cheerfulness want the togetherness. When the groom and bride have married, they start the adventurous journey to the harbor of marriage with wedding car, bridal bouquet and wedding cake, accompanied by wedding bells, white doves and flower girls. With a heartfelt wedding kiss, the wedding rings change at the end.